Prague, Czech Republic 2018

The Order of Lightbringers

The Story

The universe as we know it is now dead, cold place, ravaged by wars between civilizations. This project tells a story of only survivors from mysterious Order of Lightbringers, who travel the universe and bring light and life back to dead planets. It was most amazing collaboration with Pyroterra, group that specializes in stage performance and light&fire shows. I was esentially given free pass to create anything I like, so of course I went for most challenging option…as little postproduction possible and as many practical effects as we could accomplish.

We started with research as always. One of greatest challenges on this shoot was to find the right visual language for our spaceship and cabin, so we saw about million reference pictures and finally settled for our final angular version, enhanced by lights. Once we were ready, production started. We built the cabin of a spaceship in my friend’s spare bedroom. We built small model of spaceship, as well as it’s controllers. Pyroterra made costumes and custom weapons. There were two shooting days, one for interior and one for exterior shots.


The Process


First storyboard for control room shot.


Rough construction of control room, created in my friend’s spare bedroom.


Final version of control room with lights, just before shoot.


Looking for the right visual language for our spaceship.


Final model of spaceship with patina.


Behind The Scenes Video


The Order of Lightbringers

After long millennia of wars, the universe is a dark, cold place. Extinguished stars are orbited by torn and lifeless planets. Entire galaxies are left uninhabitable and the dark matter is devouring whatever signs is life survived the never ending conflicts.

The Order of Lightbringers is the last beacon of hope. They took a solemn oath that nobody could have foreseen the impossible scope of before the war: to protect life in all its forms and shapes. For centuries they were building enormous genome databanks in forgotten corners of the universe and studying means to preserve and restore life. Galaxies at that time were bursting with life and commerce and such endeavours were but targets of mockery. Everything changed when civilizations clashed. All attention and focus shifted to sheer survival and the Order of Lightbringers was slowly forgotten. Records of their headquarters vanished and shortly after the war started, they fell into oblivion.

Lightbringers' worst nightmares became reality: brutal conflicts of space technology left the universe in ruins. The last Grandmaster of the Order could only watch as his former homeland, once vivid and colourful, was turning into a barren wasteland. Desperate and facing the most unimaginable horror, he activated the Regrowth sequence. Now, the hidden outposts of Lightbringers are coming back to life and recultivation tanks pulse with renewed energy. Small but fast vessels cruise the space and bring long lost hope... and life. The first destination is clear. The planet where it all began. Earth.
