Selected Projects*

*Most of my photos are self-funded, personal projects.


The Forbidden Kingdom of Lo

Inspired by movies like Samsara, Himalaya or Kundun, stories of tibetan mystics always attracted me. The story is about young monk, who's travelling across harsh Himalayan valleys and passes before he reaches forbidden kingdom, accessible only to those, whose minds are clean and hearts pure.

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The Undefeated

The Undefeated is personal photo project about kung-fu monk travelling through Chinese Empire. His family was killed, so he’s seeking death and challenges other fighters in hope someone will put him out of his misery. The shoot took place in China on two locations.

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The Wastelands

The idea was to create whole world, set in post-apocalyptic reality where frost, radiation and poisoned air killed nearly all life on earth. There were only small groups of people left, living in fortified outposts deep in the Wastelands, travelling only once a year to trade and share news.

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The Forest God

Project inspired by stories about brave explores from early  1900s. At that times there were still many blank spots on the maps, just  waiting for adventurous spirits to set out and explore. I created  character of doctor Vrba and his small group of…

Project inspired by stories about brave explores from early 1900s. At that times there were still many blank spots on the maps, just waiting for adventurous spirits to set out and explore. I created character of doctor Vrba and his small group of friends who try to explore deepest parts of wild and uncharted Sumava forest.

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The Order of Lightbringers

The universe as we know it is now dead, cold place, ravaged by wars between civilizations. This project tells a story of only survivors from mysterious Order of Lightbringers, who travel the universe and bring light and life back to dead planets.

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